Prices & Discounts

Accommodation during the period


Discounts on bookings from 15%

Discount is available from the standard price on

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    How Discounts Are Applied to Apartments:

    Initial Discount:

    Enjoy a starting discount of 15% from the standard prices listed on

    Increasing the Discount:

    Extend your stay to increase your discount. The longer you stay, the more you save.

    Links to

    Each of our apartment hotel pages features a link to its respective profile on This allows you to easily check the most up-to-date accommodation prices.

    Getting Information About the Price:

    To get the exact price and take advantage of our discount, contact our administrator for a consultation or fill out the form on the apartment page.

    Factors Affecting the Price:

    The accommodation price depends on:

    • The type of apartment.
    • The chosen dates.
    • The number of guests.
    • The apartment’s occupancy.

    Example of Accommodation Cost Calculation:

    Standard Cost:

    For example, the standard cost of renting an apartment for five days on is 500 euros.


    Applying our initial 15% discount, the accommodation cost will be reduced.

    Discount Calculation:

    15% of 500 euros = 75 euros.
    Discounted cost: 500 euros – 75 euros = 425 euros.

    Thus, the cost of accommodation for five days with our discount will be 425 euros.

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